McTime Field: Adding and Uploading Receipts for Project Employee’s Time Entry

Creation date: 9/5/2023 1:18 PM    Updated: 9/26/2023 6:52 AM   mctime rargumedo
In the project employee time details page, you can attach payment receipts for that employee in the application.


  1. In the Receipts section, click the “Choose Files” button.

  2. Locate the attachment you want to include for the project employee and click “Open.”

  3. Once you have the file attached, then click on the “Upload Receipts” button to upload your receipts to the employee’s time detail records for the current pay period.


  1. In the Receipts section, tap on the “Choose Files" button

  2. You have three options to choose from:
    1. Photo Library
      1. Locate the photo that you want to attach, and tap Add
      2. It will attach the photo into the file picker.
    2. Take Photo
      1. Position the camera where the receipt is located and take the photo
      2. If you are happy with the image, tap Use Photo.
    3. Choose Files
      1. Locate the file whether it is stored in iCloud, OneDrive, or any cloud service on your iOS device
      2. Once you find the image of the receipt, tap Open.
  3. Click Upload Receipts to post the receipt to the project employee’s receipt records.